Easy to play
You can't play a wrong note

Our Therapeutic Harps are specifically designed to help create an atmosphere of tranquility and balance which has an extraordinary way of opening us up to a non-verbal kind of communication. This allows the player to create a quiet space internally that results in a calm and relaxed sense of being.
1. Our Therapeutic Harps are a stringed musical instrument consisting of a number of strings stretched across the soundboard. Holding them on your lap or cradled in your arms while plucking or strumming the strings produce resonate sounds, which develops overtones to match resonate tones within, allowing for a pleasant musical communication with the body.

2. Sympathetic sounds from accompanying string that are not played create overtones and harmonic vibrations in the instrument affecting various parts of the body in a beneficial manner as well as creating a soothing and healing effect overall.

3. Music is an essential element of life and has an amazing ability to create shift and change, helping to expand your awareness. The Therapeutic Harps re a powerful tool to help awaken and recapture your sense of excitement within, allowing your creative expression to sneak out, enabling the possibility for something completely different and unique to happen.

4. We all have our own unique resonant frequency wherein the body allows the musical tones to resonate within, integrating with our own natural frequency.
a. Sound travels in the air at a speed of 1,236 km per hour (768 miles per hour)
b. Sound travels in the water at a speed of 5,342 km per hour (3,319 miles per hour)

5. Being that our bodies are made up of approximately 70% water and through the principle of resonance, it makes it possible, by the vibrational transference of sound through the harps, to help restore the body back to a state of harmony and health.

6. Our Therapeutic Harps are skillfully designed and constructed to be
a. Comfortable to hold
b. Very portable
c. Practical and fun
d. Simple to tune
Easy to play… you can’t play a wrong note.

7. Our Therapeutic Harps can be played by anyone regardless of musical ability or knowledge. They require no skill or level of experience. Just create your own rhythms based on how you are feeling in the moment. Discover how to resonate with yourself… there is no wrong way to do this.

8. The Harps have a very soothing tonal expression, where you can experience tangible results in minutes. It is such a sensational feeling being able to hear, feel and enjoy beautiful sounds right from the beginning with an instrument that allows you to express yourself instantly.

9. Therapeutic music was present in many ancient cultures and was used as a healing technique for centuries.
Music has a therapeutic effect on us all physically, mentally and emotionally.
Rediscover ancient wisdom to help find your inner balance.